Scientists are planning to eradicate mosquito-borne diseases by increasing the number of mosquitoes
This may sound weird, but really, Scientists are planning to eradicate mosquito-borne diseases by increasing the number of mosquitoes. What would they achieve by trying to do this? Oxford Insect Technologies, also known as Oxitec, Founded by Hadyn Parry in 2002, is pioneering a sustainable and environmentally-conscious method of eradicating mosquito-borne illnesses by focusing on the delivery method of these terrible diseases — the mosquitoes themselves.
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They plan to genetically modify a few male mosquitoes (of the species that cause illness) and force them to mate with as many mosquitoes as possible. The result will be infecting the females while fertilizing their eggs too. As the new eggs hatch, the young mosquitoes will be dead. some are even dead before they hatch.

If this mission is accomplished, then Zika will not be a threat anymore, as well as malaria
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