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See how George Zimmerman is being fooled after he tries to sell a gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin

Updated Saturday 14 May 2016 13:1
See how George Zimmerman is being fooled after he tries to sell a gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin
On Thursday, George Zimmerman took the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin up for auction on and wrote: He said: "I am honored and humbled to announce the sale of an American Firearm Icon. The firearm for sale is the firearm that was used to defend my life and end the brutal attack from Trayvon Martin on 2/26/2012."

The website took down his auction, saying it wanted “no part in the listing on our website or in any of the publicity it is receiving.”

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So he took the gun to United Gun Group and put it up for auction there. Several people told the website to take it down but they tweeted...

So an Internet user by the name of “Racist McShootface,” decided to frustrate George Zimmeman's effort to sell the gun by making a bid of $65 million, other trolls immediately recognized what McShootface was up to and made their own bids, using screen names like “Donald Trump” and “Tamir Rice.” The bid rose up to $65,039,000.00 before the United Gun Group deleted the bid.

George Zimmerman also tried to sell the gun to the Smithsonian but the respectfully declined. They tweeted..

He put it back on auction on the United Gun group website and someone genuinely offered to buy the gun for $415,000. But that looks like another prank.

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