9-year-old 'Guardian of the Galaxy' applies to NASA

Updated Monday 7 August 2017 12:32
 A 9-year-old movie fan from New Jersey sent a letter to NASA, offering to take up the reins as the organization’s Planetary Protection Officer.

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Self-proclaimed “Guardian of the Galaxy” Jack Davis wrote a letter expressing interest in a NASA job posting because of his interest in space and alien movies.

“I may be nine, but I think I would be fit for the job. One of the reasons is my sister says I am an alien also,” Jack wrote.

While the actual requirements of the job may not be quite what Jack had in mind – the Planetary Protection Officer is a scientist who works to prevent possible contamination by samples brought from space – NASA was thrilled to receive the letter.

"At NASA, we love to teach kids about space and inspire them to be the next generation of explorers. Think of it as a gravity assist – a boost that may positively and forever change a person's course in life, and our footprint in the universe,” said NASA’s Planetary Science Director Jim Green.

Green took the time to respond to Jack’s letter, explaining the position and encouraging the fourth-grader to do well in school.

“We are always looking for bright future scientists and engineers to help us, so I hope you will study hard and do well in school. We hope to see you here at NASA one of these days!” Green wrote.

Jack also received a phone call from NASA’s Planetary Research Director Jonathan Rall, who congratulated the boy on his interest in the position.

NASA says the Planetary Officer position has existed since the 1960s and helps to prevent microbial contamination of both Earth and other planets.

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