Everybot RS700 : The Ultimate Robot Mop Cleaner

Updated Wednesday 27 September 2017 10:10
There was a time not all that long ago when the world was engaged in a contest to see if mundane tasks like laundry, housecleaning, cooking and dishwashing could be conquered. A torrential flood of great technology followed. We got toasters, dishwashers, microwave ovens, household vacuum cleaners, clothes dryers, blenders, automatic coffee makers, crock-pots and self-cleaning appliances.
And then, quite suddenly, it all stopped. Either we decided we had advanced far enough or someone thought there was nothing else to be invented. We covered a lot of ground, but we left one thing out: the mop.
The basic technology of the mop hasn’t changed in hundreds of years. Most people clean floors with cotton fibers attached to a stick and dipped in a cleaning solution. The same way their great grandparents did. We’re all carrying portable computerized television stations around! Isn’t there a better solution by now?
As a matter of fact, there is. Introducing the Everybot: The world’s first dual spin mop robot!
If you’ve ever mopped a floor, you will instantly see the appeal in this magnificent device. It’s autonomous, meaning it can mop any floor without human direction. It has built in multi-directional and multi-axis sensors, meaning it can detect and avoid obstacles like furniture or objects left behind and can even detect and avoid hazards like staircases, floor vents and drains with its vertical floor sensor.
It is also remote-controlled, meaning you can direct it where you need cleaning and keep it focused on a dirty floor until it sparkles.
The Everybot has a patented mop pad design constructed with microfibers. The motors in the Everybot spin two of these pads at 5700 RPM, using something we call “dual spin mopping.” With this system, our device can use optimized cleaning modes to clean everything from harmful fine dust to wax residue to stains. It can control speed and direction of each pad on its own, meaning it can implement and optimize cleaning action automatically. This device knows everything we know about mopping floors and then some!
If you think the obstacle sensors are all the electronics this little device has, you’re in for a surprise. What if we told you the Everybot knows to move back to a well-lit location after it is done cleaning? Think about it. If you have a dirty floor under a piece of furniture, normally you would have to move that furniture out of the way and then mop the floor yourself. But not any more.
Not only can the Everybot drive right under that furniture and clean the floor until it is spotless, it will drive itself back out from under that piece of furniture when the job is done using its unique ESA (Exit Shadow Area) technology!

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