This headline will make you sick so I'm not saying it
One Malawian mother married her son because she spent so much to train him and she didn't want those "other women who have been aborting" to come and enjoy her hard work.
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Memory Njemani
According to Zambian observer, Ms Njemani said;
"I invested a lot of money in the education of my son. Why should another woman be married to him and enjoy my hard work I invested in him? That will not happen. I’m marrying my son so that we don’t empower other women who have been aborting."
The two have since married and are staying together.
According to Zambian observer, Ms Njemani said;
"I invested a lot of money in the education of my son. Why should another woman be married to him and enjoy my hard work I invested in him? That will not happen. I’m marrying my son so that we don’t empower other women who have been aborting."
The two have since married and are staying together.
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