Kanye West Now The Richest Black Man In the World
Kanye West has become the richest black man in US history, with his net worth reported to have reached $6.6bn (£4.7bn).
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The new total has been reported by Bloomberg and gives West a commanding lead over the likes of investor and businessman Robert F Smith and basketball legend Michael Jordan.
After claiming he was $53m (£38m) in debt just three years ago, the rapper and fashion tycoon became a certified billionaire last year with the help of his successful apparel and trainer brand, Yeezy, and a new multi-year contract with clothing retailer Gap.
Image:Yeezy, West's trainer and apparel business with Adidas and Gap, is valued at $3.2bn (£2.2bn) to $4.7bn (£3.4bn). Pic: Fashion Society
According to Bloomberg, West's Yeezy brand - and deals with Gap and sportswear giant Adidas - is valued at $3.2bn (£2.2bn) to $4.7bn (£3.4bn).
The new Yeezy Gap line, set to be released later this summer, is expected to be worth more than $970m (£694m).
As he is the sole owner of the Yeezy company, much of West's personal net worth comes from there.
Some of his wealth also comes from the $1.7bn (£1.5bn) that he earns from additional assets - including his significant investment in his soon-to-be ex-wife's Skims label.
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