Anaconda Invades Family Barbecue: A Tale of Unexpected Guests

Updated Tuesday 28 January 2025 15:30
Anaconda Invades Family Barbecue: A Tale of Unexpected Guests
Terrifying Twist: A Python's Unannounced Appearance at the Grill
When the owners of a property in Australia discovered a long python wrapped up in their grill, they temporarily stopped grilling.

Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7 posted on Facebook on January 23 that a customer had called the snake removal company to have a python removed from their BBQ.

According to UPI, Stuart McKenzie, a snake catcher, answered the phone from his Queensland, Australia, home. Even though the grill was kept with the lid closed, McKenzie discovered a carpet python entangled within the house's barbecue when she arrived.

"Proof that keeping your bbq lid closed won't stop em' from getting in!" In the caption of the post, Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7 mentioned the BBQ intruder.

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A video of The owners of the BBQ who had to deal with the python are by no means the only The owners of the BBQ who had to deal with the python are by no means the only homeowners who have had an unexpected snake in their homes. While on vacation, a guy from Adelaide, Australia, discovered that a poisonous eastern brown snake had taken up residence in his home. The man thinks that while he was out, his pet cat attempted to bite the lizard. Fortunately, both the snake and the cat are safe, and the latter was taken out of the house and transported.
who have had an unexpected snake in their homes. While on vacation, a guy from Adelaide, Australia, discovered that a poisonous eastern brown snake had taken up residence in his home. The man thinks that while he was out, his pet cat attempted to bite the lizard. Fortunately, both the snake and the cat are safe, and the latter was taken out of the house and transported.
extracting the non-venomous python from the grill was also posted on social media. The lower portion of the snake is shown hanging in the cupboard beneath the barbecue when the tape opens. The python slowly drags its tail into the grill as the video goes on. In order to get a better look at the reptile, the video then turns to McKenzie taking a piece of the BBQ off.

When McKenzie spots the snake, he helps it out of the grill with a hook. McKenzie holds up the large python before putting it in a bag as the film of the swift removal comes to a close.

"Although this snake was quite easy to get a hold of from the beginning if Stu was to do so, the snake would've held on tight with the top half of its body and gotten quite the fright!" In its post, Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7 discussed McKenzie's decision to approach the snake by its head rather than its tail.

The snakes that Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7 removes are sent to less crowded regions, according to the company's website.

The owners of the BBQ who had to deal with the python are by no means the only homeowners who have had an unexpected snake in their homes. While on vacation, a guy from Adelaide, Australia, discovered that a poisonous eastern brown snake had taken up residence in his home. The man thinks that while he was out, his pet cat attempted to bite the lizard. Fortunately, both the snake and the cat are safe, and the latter was taken out of the house and transported.

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