Zoo 'overjoyed' as lion cubs increase pride to 10

Updated Friday 21 March 2025 15:0
Zoo 'overjoyed' as lion cubs increase pride to 10
Four newborn lion cubs have been welcomed into a zoo, increasing the number of its pride to ten.

Three of the rare northern African lions arrived to Whipsnade Zoo in Bedfordshire in November, and this was the second litter to be born there.

Keepers were "overjoyed to have a second litter," according to section manager Sarah McGregor, who also called the cubs "precious additions to the breeding program."

According to the zoo, resource exploitation, farming, housing, and hunting are all contributing to the decline of African lion numbers in the wild.

The new cubs' identities will be revealed and their sexes will be verified during health examinations when they are ten weeks old.

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In 2022, keepers had to put the two lions that remained in the Bedfordshire zoo to sleep because of "age-related conditions," leaving the lion enclosure vacant for a while.

The three-year-old male lion Malik and lionesses Waka and Winta arrived in the summer of 2023.

Winta gave birth to three cubs—two male and one female—on November 25. On January 23, Waka's litter of four was born, and caretakers used a covert "cubcam" to observe the delivery from a distance.

"Lions are very gregarious animals and like living in big groups," Ms. McGregor stated.

"The youngsters will grow up side-by-side with their half-siblings, and I'm sure they'll love having an abundance of playmates."

She claimed that, like lions in the wild, Waka and Winta will share parental responsibilities.

"While Waka and her cubs may be keeping warm and cosy indoors for a little bit longer, visitors will be able to catch a glimpse of their trio of half-siblings racing around the paddock this Easter," she said.



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