Annual Post will help out with your New Year Resolution
Have you kept a new year resolution past a month into the new year? If no, you are not alone in this. Many people find it difficult to keep up with New Year Resolutions, but Annual Post is a service that will remind you of your resolution and for the fact that posts are public, people will remind you too.
Did you know? You can comment on this post! Just scroll down will let you post only a single thing in a year. For starters, the single post could be a resolution, for others it could be a mission statement for the company for a fiscal year. You will have a chance to let followers know of how long you have gotten with your annual post by giving an up-date once in a month. And at the end of the year, you are required to give a feedback of overall achievement.
People can also contribute ideas to your annual post. And for the fact that posts are public, it is enough motivation to remind you thrughout the year that you have a mission.
To start with your New Year Reslution, head on to now.

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