MI reveals that Rita Dominic and Genevieve Nnaji are among the ladies she has a crush on

MI Abaga revealed to EbonyLife EL in an interview that Rita Dominic and Genevieve Nnaji are among the ladies she has a crush on. Open to see more ladies that were mentioned and what he had to say about them.
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"Rita Dominic - She's one of the best dressed ladies. I've had a crush on her since I saw her acting for the first time. 2nd person; she works at your station (EbonyLife presenter) Zainab Balogun - I saw her and I was melting. Third person; Genevieve Nnaji. I wouldn't even make out with her, I will just stand in the elevator very close to her and soak up her aura. Like, is she an angel or a real human being? Then Bonang from South Africa and last but not least there's a girl called Doris that works at Ebony Life. She's the right height I want my children to be because I've been through so much as a short guy"
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