Funny pictures and events of the Floyd Mayweather vs Manny Pacquiao

Enjoy these Funny pictures and events of the Floyd Mayweather vs Manny Pacquiao. Someone who betted for Manny lost and will not just lose his money but also go ahead to pay for losing.
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Mark Wahlberg will have to pay P.Diddy $250,000 for losing.

There was traffic problem at the airport in Vegas due to too much Private Jets.

Well, Twitter tracked his location and the tweet was actually from Nigeria. But the poster claimed to be in Las Vegas.

Manny thought he won the match at the end, only to hear an entirely greek result.

What exactly could Floyd be targeting?

50Cent won big and needs a lady to help him count his money

Mayweather compared himself to Muhammed Ali and Mike tyson wasn't happy about that.
"He's very delusional. He can't listen. If he was anywhere near that realm of greatness with Ali, he'd be able to take his children to school by himself
"He can't take his children to school by himself and you're talking about he's great? Greatness is not guarding himself from the people. Greatness is being accepted by the people.
"He's a little scared man. He's a very small, scared man." Tyson said.

Tyson was at the fight last night and said he predicted Pacquiao would win. But since Mayweather was all defensive, fans came for him.

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