Jason Derulo covers the new issue of Billboard magazine

The Wiggle singer, Jason Derulo, is on the cover of the new issue of Billboard magazine, and he spoke about many things in his life. Get a preview in here
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On growing up: “My mom says I was an introvert. I never saw myself that way, but I was always focused. I didn’t spend a lot of time doing things that I didn’t think would make me great. I studied all kinds of dance, all types of music. I got good grades. I started hitting the recording studio around 13.”
On his post-Jordin love life: What does his love life look like now? “A deck of cards,” he says, slapping the table and laughing. But really, he’s “having a good time getting to know people.” He adds, "I do get tired of playing nice. Especially when people think I did something wrong, or that she broke up with me. But it’s so behind me.”
On what it would take to get him back in a relationship: “A miracle.”
On his post-Jordin love life: What does his love life look like now? “A deck of cards,” he says, slapping the table and laughing. But really, he’s “having a good time getting to know people.” He adds, "I do get tired of playing nice. Especially when people think I did something wrong, or that she broke up with me. But it’s so behind me.”
On what it would take to get him back in a relationship: “A miracle.”
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