Dunkman Zack - 4 year old Amazing Basketball Trickshots
Meet Zack, our 4-year-old basketball obsessed phenom. Since he could walk, he could shoot a basketball. Now at four, he is perfecting trick shots! His latest Youtube video shows off his skills. There is nothing that comes between Zack and his basketball, in fact, he even sleeps with a basketball (instead of a teddy bear) while wearing one of his countless basketball pajamas. My wife and I know he is up in the morning because we hear him dribbling his basketball into our room!
Zack loves watching trick shot videos. His all-time favorite trick shot artist is Dude Perfect, the Youtube trick shot channel with over 5 million subscribers. He has wanted to meet them in person, including their mascot Panda, for a long time. He tries a lot of things they do. Our goal in creating these videos is for him to be able to meet them.
Zack loves watching trick shot videos. His all-time favorite trick shot artist is Dude Perfect, the Youtube trick shot channel with over 5 million subscribers. He has wanted to meet them in person, including their mascot Panda, for a long time. He tries a lot of things they do. Our goal in creating these videos is for him to be able to meet them.
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