Model Natasha Wagner has the best butt in the US for Jean

US Jean maker has confirmed that they prefer that most of their jean fit this model named Natasha Wagner properly before hitting the store. They said her butt isn't too big nor too small and described her as the perfect butt in the US for Jean.
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"Jean makers say Natasha Wagner has the most perfect behind in America. She told Inside Edition: “I feel very flattered that anyone would say that I have a perfect butt.”
Wagner is the most sought-after fit model for the world's most popular denim brands. Designers check how their jeans look and feel on her before they hit store shelves. Designers say her bottom is not too big, it's not too small, and it’s just perfect.
“Natasha’s curves are in all the right place,” said one designer.
The 34-year-old from Los Angeles is size six, has a 28 inch waist and stands 5’8.”
Jean makers like Jennifer DeClark of the 7ForAllManKind brand said she uses Wagner’s rear measurements as a secret weapon to creating the perfect fit. "She has mil- long legs, she's thin but curvy at the same time, and her hip-to-waist ratio is perfectly proportioned,” said DeClark.
Wagner said it's not easy to stay the same size and shape. She said: “My job is try on jeans and stay the same size.” To achieve her perfect derriere-- she sweats through 100 squats a day. She also spends 45 minutes on the treadmill and elliptical machine.
She eats only healthy treats, like a strawberry and kale smoothie.
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