"I am not the face of Halle Berry's exes" - Halle Berry's first ex-husband speaks out

The a-list actress Halle Berry has been married thrice and divorced thrice. Halle Berry's first ex-husband David Justice divorced her in 1997 after 4 years of marriage. He is now speaking out after years of silence that left people speculating that he abused her
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'I had to say something after reading about Halle's recent marriage,' he said. So many years ago, I didn't say anything about the accusations that I abused her, but now I have three children, ages, 15, 13 and 11, two boys and one girl, and they can read this stuff and they have friends who will read it as well so I had to finally come out and say once and for all I never hit Halle Berry.
'Back then it didn't matter, but it's different now. Halle never said I hit her but she never said I didn't either, which was disappointing.
'Let me tell you something, I was raised by a single mother and I love and respect her dearly, I would never hit a woman. Never. So, now I have said all that I am going to say on the subject. I am not the face of Halle Berry's exes, I won't be going on TV to talk about this. I just wanted to make sure my wife, my children and the rest of my family, friends and fans know the truth.
'But one more thing...people in Hollywood knew the truth then but no one spoke up on my behalf. Again, disappointing, but that was 20 years ago and I won't be doing anymore tweeting on the subject. I have said what I needed to say so now, I'm done.'
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