See why Doctors are warning Pixee Fox over her tiny waist

Updated Monday 5 August 2024 1:20
See why Doctors are warning Pixee Fox over her tiny waist

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25 year old Pixee Fox who became famous for removing her ribs to look like Jessica Rabbit has been warned she needs a corset to stay alive. After spending £80,000 on the surgery, doctors are warning her that her corset may need to be worn at all times to keep her organs in place.

The model got the dream body she wanted after having six ribs removed for a thinner waist.
For good measure she also had a boob job, facial interventions and a lift to her bottom. This allowed her to get a record-breaking 14-inch waist.

However the self-proclaimed "body modification artist" who has also compared herself to a "living cartoon" has been criticised by a health expert during an appearance on Romanian television.

The Swedish model had visited the doctor beforehand, but when interviewed by TV hosts Madalin Ionescu and Adelina Pestritu, he said he was concerned about the complications the surgery has on the body - adding that a corset was essential.

Pixee said: "It’s recommended to have something to compress your body to keep everything in place after the surgery and also to provide some protection.

"This corset was custom-made for me to fulfil that requirement."
But wearing the corset too much could have its own complications.

The medic added:"If a person wears it 24 hours a day, then their liver, kidneys and everything else are not going to be in their proper place."
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