Anambra Scammer who wanted to blackmail MKO Abiola's wife has been caught
Recently, there was a warning of how scammers photoshop photos to be used for blackmail of victims. Caleb Nzube, a 26 year old Anambra boy tried his luck on photoshopping M.K.O Abiola's wife to look like a ritualist by making her appear to carry a skull. He contacted the woman and demanded for some money. See what happened.
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According to Vanguard, Caleb Elom Nzube admitted that he is an internet fraudster who specialised in online dating before diverting into blackmail.
He said:
He said:
“I started following Mrs Timu Alade Abiola on Twitter and I got her pictures. I felt she was a good catch and I decided to blackmail her. I used Photoshop to make it look like she was carrying a human skull. I designed a web page with a little gossip story on it that she was caught for ritual.
"I sent her the link and when she saw it I demanded she pays me $5000 or I will show it to the whole world. One of her friends came in and begged that I shouldn’t do it and that they were ready to pay me $ 2000. I rejected the money, insisting that I must collect the amount I demanded".
"Later they discovered I was Igbo and they gave my number to an Igbo girl who started talking to me and I accepted their offer, what got me angry was that while we were still talking, they sent a fishing link that destroyed my website which I have been maintaining for more than four years. That website had paid me little money I have used in sustaining myself".
"I told the Igbo girl about it and that if I don’t get the money before the end of the week I will show the web page to the whole world. She asked for my account, I gave it to her but before I knew what was happening, the police came and arrested me".
"I don’t understand why she has to bring in the police; I told the girl that what I needed was for her to tell her madam to just pay me for my website they destroyed. In fact I regret all this, if I had known it will be this messy I would have not ventured into this. What I do is only dating. I just wanted to try my luck on this one.”
Source: Vanguard
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