Wiz Khalifa Confirms That Kanye Called To Apologise And That He Accepted

Last week, Kanye West took Twitter by surprise to lay abuses and insults on Wiz Khalifa, Amber Rose and Sebastian. But that has been cleared, except that someone tweeted that Wiz played a tape of Kim and Ray J at a concert in Brazil. Well, see what Wiz said about the Twitter abuse.
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During an interview with Angie Martinez for Power 105.1,
She started off by asking:
"So were you surprised by Kanye's reaction that he took it so crazy,"
"I think everybody was but it's cool, everything's cool, we spoke it's all good," Wiz explained, which prompted the radio host to ask if Kanye apologized for what he said "cause he went far with the kid thing."
Khalifa reassured everyone that West did, in fact, apologize for what he said, and added, "I accept his apology."
Speaking of making amends, Khalifa's ex-wife Amber Rose also met up with Kim Kardashian to clear the air and whatever tension there was between them today, as well.
"Her and Kim spoke and they're all good, too," Khalifa told Martinez. "They spoke and it's all good."
Angie then said:
"That's kind of amazing, Wiz," the rapper responded with the perfect answer—"I'm like the Bob Marley of this."
"That's kind of amazing, Wiz," the rapper responded with the perfect answer—"I'm like the Bob Marley of this."
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