PSquare splits - Peter Okoye now Mr. P - Reactions
After weeks and weeks and even years of threats to breakup, the duo Psquare finally broke up when Peter Okoye dropped his new name as Mr. P. Twitter was on fire after the news. Take a look at their brother's reaction. Jude Okoye was all smiles.
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Announced breakup of #PSquare does the creativity industry no good. They were so good together. #Stay2geda @PeterPsquare n @rudeboypsquare
Psquare may think they've broken up, but we will just have our Djs mix new songs released by both of them as one song! Shikena!
Over 10 years in the game and Psquare dedicated no song to Mary Slessor, they can break up of they like mehn. Ingrates.