Millionaire James Otis smashes Donald Trump's Walk of Fame star

Activist James Otis, 52, who was arrested and also bailed for smashing Donald Trump's Walk of Fame star says:
'He's a serial liar and misogynist and that's why we're here: to try to address that and help those women who told Mr. Trump they won't stand for it anymore,'
'He's a serial liar and misogynist and that's why we're here: to try to address that and help those women who told Mr. Trump they won't stand for it anymore,'
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The millionaire destroyed the star with a pick-ax, dressing up as a construction worker to fool anyone walking past. The authorities have stated that Otis was arrested for felony, vandalism and is due in court on November 18. The charge could earn him three years in prison and a $10,000 fine if convicted.

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