NYSC Call-up Letters Availiable For Printing Online

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has released call-up letters for 2017 ‘Batch A’ stream I prospective corps members.
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The corps, in a message on its website, urged prospective corps members to proceed to print their call-up letters.
Online printing of call-up letters is expected to take place between May 18 and 23.
The NYSC has also instructed PMCs to carry out immunisation for meningitis before heading to camp.
“2017 Batch A PCMs are encouraged as a matter of priority to be immunized against cerebrospinal meningitis before reporting to camp,” said a statement on its website.
The NYSC had in a recent statement informed PMCs about the modalities for printing their call-up letters.
It reads in part: “Prospective Corps members are expected to log on to the NYSC portal to commence printing of their call-up letters from 18th may to 23rd may 2017.
“While those who did not subscribe for online printing should start collection of Call-up letters from 18th may from their various institutions of graduation.
“When you eventually receive your call-up letter either via email or institution, make sure you read it very well, at least three (3) times before printing it out. Those that will receive via email are in better advantage because they have the opportunity to print their call-up letters, anywhere, any time and many times.
“They cannot lose their Call-up letters because since they have the opportunity to print and re-print many copies at any time.
“Those that will receive via institution are in less advantage. Well, we advise you to guide your call-up letter with your life if you’re in this category. If anything happened to it, no more, you cannot retrieve it. You must go to camp with your call-up letter which must be in coloured format.”
Prospective corps members will participate in the 2017 Batch ‘A’ orientation course from May 23 to June 12.
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