Meet the two children saved by Clay & Lamboginny Living Project

14 year-old Aminu Alhaji and nine year-old Dorcas Oladuni are the first beneficiaries of the Clay-Lamboginny Living Project, which is aimed at facilitating surgeries for under privilege kids across Nigeria.
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Since a tragic accident on his way to purchase pure water for hawking in order to survive, Aminu Alhaji has been unable to pass urine with his private organs and has been at a ward of the General hospital Lagos for the pass two years.
At a tender age, his life has been a challenging one with the loss of his parents and separation from his siblings during the Kaduna crisis.
Aminu has been diagnosed with Urethral Lateralization Structure as the accident initially robbed him of his ability to excrete both feces and urine but due to the kindness of the hospital several operations had been carried out which restored his ability to pass feces but he currently has to carry a urine bag about as he cannot urinate and would need to undergo another urethral Structure Repair but has no one to foot his bills.
The above picture of Dorcas Odunlami is really a sight for sorry eyes. She has her large intestines, which are bagged and taped, to her stomach. Her inability to pass feces through the right channel is as a result of Hirschproy disease. She has undergone several surgeries (colostomy, pull through surgery) and currently her mother is unable to afford any more medical procedure, which left her at the hospital since January 2014.
These kids are two out of thousands of Nigerian Kids whose lives are rolling by before their eyes due to medical issues that can be easily paid for and carried out successfully in Nigeria.
The Clay-Lamboginny Living Project will not only cover their medical bills, but the duo of Aminu and Dorcas have become the fortunate beneficiaries of the Clay-Lamboginny Scholarship award for two under-privileged kids.
At 14, Aminu’s highest level of education was stopped at Primary 4 while Dorcas was in Primary 2 before her condition halted her schooling. With the support of the Welfare Department of the General Hospital, Lagos, Aminu will be placed at an orphanage and both kids will be given an opportunity after their surgeries to continue their education up to to the tertiary level.
For Dorcas and Aminu the light of hope has come to shine on them, through the living Project. There is so much more that can be done, as investing in a child’s life is an investment into the future. Listen and download exclusively the new theme song below titled "Living by Clayy & Lamboginny"
#Living is produced by Don Adah. @clayy @lamboginny
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