Game-Changing $50 Billion Commitment to Africa's Energy Transformation
More than 600 million people in Africa do not currently have access to power, and the Dar es Salaam Energy Declaration is a significant step in closing this gap.A key component of the Mission 300 effort, which brings together governments, development banks, partners, philanthropies, and the corporate sector to connect 300 million Africans to power by 2030, are the commitments made in the Declaration. The Declaration will now be presented for adoption during the February African Union Summit.
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In their comprehensive National Energy Compacts, twelve nations—Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, and Zambia—set goals to expand access to electricity, boost the use of renewable energy, and draw in more private investment. These nation-specific strategies, which emphasize economical power generation, growing connections, and regional integration, are time-bound, data-based, and approved at the highest level. They want to enhance clean cooking options, draw in private investment, and increase utility efficiency. These compacts find the most economical ways to provide electricity to underserved areas by utilizing satellite and electronic mapping technologies.
Implementing the National Energy Compacts will require political will, long-term vision and the complete support from Mission 300 partners. In order to stimulate more private sector investment, governments are setting the path with extensive reforms, more concessional funding, and strategic alliances with development banks and philanthropies.