Scientists Bust the Myth: Healthy Habits Require More Than 21 Days To Stic

Updated Friday 14 February 2025 15:0
Scientists Bust the Myth: Healthy Habits Require More Than 21 Days To Stic

Healthy habits take 2 months to a year to form, not 21 days. Success depends on persistence, enjoyment, timing, and planning.

As we near the end of January 2025, if maintaining your New Year’s resolution has been challenging, don’t lose hope! Research conducted by the University of South Australia shows that establishing healthy habits often requires more time than one anticipates.

UniSA researchers made a groundbreaking discovery in a systematic review revealing that although new habits can begin to form in as little as two months (with a median duration of 59–66 days), the complete establishment of these habits may take up to 335 days.

This insight holds great importance, as it has the potential to influence health initiatives designed to promote enduring behavior changes and avert chronic diseases.

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In Australia, a significant part of the disease burden is due to chronic diseases. Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, pulmonary diseases, and cerebrovascular accidents are among the many conditions that can be prevented by modifying unhealthy habits or lifestyle factors.

According to Dr. Ben Singh, a researcher at the University of South Australia, contrary to common belief, it takes much longer than three weeks to establish healthy habits.

Dispelling the “21-Day” Habit Myth

Dr. Singh states, “It is crucial to take on healthy practices for lasting well-being, but it can be difficult to establish these habits and eliminate unhealthy ones.”

„Zu Jahresbeginn setzen sich viele von uns Ziele und schmieden Pläne für die kommenden Monate – wie etwa, aktiver zu sein, den Zuckerkonsum zu reduzieren oder gesündere Essentscheidungen zu treffen –
however, although conventional wisdom suggests that it takes only 21 days to develop such habits, there is no evidence to support these claims.

“Our research indicates that habit formation begins in about two months, though there is considerable variation, with timescales from four days to almost a year.

“Thus, individuals aspiring to adopt healthier habits should avoid giving up at that legendary three-week point.”

Practical Tips for Building Healthy Habits

Moreover, the research involving over 2600 participants discovered that specific elements can affect the successful establishment of habits.

“When attempting to establish a new healthy habit, various factors can affect success, including the frequency with which we engage in the new activity, the timing of the practice, and whether we find it enjoyable or  not,” Dr. Singh says.

“Adding a new practice to your morning routine increases the likelihood of achieving it, according to the data. If you find it enjoyable, you’re also more likely to adhere to a new habit.

“It can also be beneficial for cementing a new habit if you plan and aim to carry out a new behavior, so ensure that you keep making time to incorporate your new healthy habits into your daily routine. This could be as simple as preparing your workout clothes the evening prior to your morning walk or having a nutritious lunch prepped and waiting in the fridge.

“If we incorporate strategies for building habits into our daily routines and devise plans for accomplishing them, we will set ourselves up for success.”

While more research is needed, researchers say that these findings can guide public health initiatives and personalized programs that support sustained and healthy behavior change.

Reference: “Time to Form a Habit: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Health Behaviour Habit Formation and Its Determinants” by Ben Singh, Andrew Murphy, Carol Maher and Ashleigh E. Smith, 8 December 2024, Healthcare.

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