Ruger's Big Day: A Wedding to Remember This Year

Michael Adebayo Olayinka, better known by his stage name Ruger, is an Afrobeats musician who has declared that he will tie the knot this year.
The "Toma Toma" singer claimed that seeing other people get married has caused him to reevaluate his promiscuous behavior.
Ruger, who will shortly turn 30, stated that he was ready to start a family this year.
"Everyone is just getting married," he commented on his Snapchat profile. It made me wonder how long I'll keep up this playboy shiii. I'm definitely getting married this year. I'll be thirty soon, tf.
He could love five ladies equally at the same moment, the singer had previously stated.
He emphasized that presents and praises cause him to build feelings for women, explaining that he falls in love easily.
The "Toma Toma" singer claimed that seeing other people get married has caused him to reevaluate his promiscuous behavior.
Ruger, who will shortly turn 30, stated that he was ready to start a family this year.
"Everyone is just getting married," he commented on his Snapchat profile. It made me wonder how long I'll keep up this playboy shiii. I'm definitely getting married this year. I'll be thirty soon, tf.
He could love five ladies equally at the same moment, the singer had previously stated.
He emphasized that presents and praises cause him to build feelings for women, explaining that he falls in love easily.
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