Celebrity Feud: What Really Happened Between Carolyna Hutchings and Dabota Lawson

Updated Saturday 1 March 2025 15:12
Celebrity Feud: What Really Happened Between Carolyna Hutchings and Dabota Lawson
The controversy on The Real Housewives of Lagos, a well-known reality show, is far from ended.

It is clear that Sophie Momodu and Carolyna Hutchings are targeting Dabota Lawson, the newcomer.

Carolyna has a lot on her mind after the intense altercation in Episode 7, especially in regards to Dabota, who continues to be the source of friction.

Over a tense lunch, the ladies try to find common ground while Laura finally catches up on all the boat-day commotion.

Sophia made it apparent that she was not going to back down anytime soon when she spoke with Carolyna during a yoga class, saying, "I was clearly under her (Dabota) skin, and I intend to build a mansion there moving forward."

Still reflecting on the drama, Mariam shared with Diiadem and Dabota that she hadn’t expected the heated exchange between Dabota and Sophia.

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During the confessionals, Carolyna dismissed claims that she was forming a clique, throwing shade at Diiadem for always siding with Dabota. “Diiadem is trying to play Voltron with Dabota because they are friends,” she remarked.

She also called out Mariam, saying, “If you can’t talk to Diiadem about your issues but come to me instead, you make it look like I am the problem.”

With the trip behind them, Carolyna decided to bring the ladies together once again, hosting a baking session and even inviting Laura.

Over a casual conversation, the women recapped the beachcation drama, with Carolyna and Sophia making it clear they were unimpressed.

“Dabota is not a good hostess,” Carolyna said, recalling a past visit where Dabota served her food but didn’t eat with her.

Then, she issued a bold warning: “Dabota! My eyes are on her. If she messes with me, I’ll drag her in a way she doesn’t like.”

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