I once got N30m from Hausa woman who liked me – Orezi

Orezi, a Nigerian artist, revealed that a woman who only liked him once gave him an incredible ?30 million.
The "Rihanna" hitmaker described the surprising event in a recent interview on The Echoroom, where he disclosed that the woman he met in Abuja gave him a sizable gift without them ever having a sexual relationship.
Orezi was shocked by the gesture, pointing out that males are usually the ones who give expensive presents.
"The most money I've ever gotten from a woman? I won't reveal how much I got, but all right. Back in Abuja, it was 30 million Naira. She simply liked me, and I wasn't wedded to her or anything," he claimed.
The "Rihanna" hitmaker described the surprising event in a recent interview on The Echoroom, where he disclosed that the woman he met in Abuja gave him a sizable gift without them ever having a sexual relationship.
Orezi was shocked by the gesture, pointing out that males are usually the ones who give expensive presents.
"The most money I've ever gotten from a woman? I won't reveal how much I got, but all right. Back in Abuja, it was 30 million Naira. She simply liked me, and I wasn't wedded to her or anything," he claimed.
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"Won't you offer a woman money if you like her? In 2016, we had something going on even if we weren't dating. She simply gave me money, even though I already had it. The attractive Hausa woman gave me money after we had a good time at a club. I can't lie, I was taken aback. When she inquired when I would be visiting Lagos, I said that it would be the following day. She then requested my account number and sent the funds.
It's common for artists to take pleasure in such things. Being a star comes with benefits. Men get the same privileges that attractive women do. Actually, I had a classmate in college whose expenses and living expenses were paid for by a woman. Women frequently perform tasks for men; this is an issue that is frequently ignored. It isn't discussed.
It's common for artists to take pleasure in such things. Being a star comes with benefits. Men get the same privileges that attractive women do. Actually, I had a classmate in college whose expenses and living expenses were paid for by a woman. Women frequently perform tasks for men; this is an issue that is frequently ignored. It isn't discussed.
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