Updates on Lamar Odom - Khloe Kardashian's ex

Lamar Odom who is in the hospital, under life support, could make it, but recovery might take time, according to doctors. They revealed that crack cocaine and viagra were found in his system. And how did he get into this condition, find out.
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Lamar Odom lost it Sunday ... and the trigger was an episode of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians." Some of the women who were around Lamar say he became irate, complaining about the way he had just been portrayed on the show.
Lamar remained upset until he was found unconscious.
Lamar had been using an herbal substitute for Viagra, according to some eyewitnesses. Someone at the Ranch who was around Lamar said he was popping 8 to 10 herbal Viagras at a time. There are perils to the drug - it can cause dangerously low blood pressure and it can restrict blood flow to vital organs.
Right now, Keeping up with the Kardashian has been suspended. The show isn't going to be shown until the family is through with their vigil.
Yes, vigil. Almost the entire family is looking after Lamar in the hospital, including the pregnant Kim.

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