A Guide to Black Friday Shopping

Updated Thursday 26 November 2015 12:0
Black Friday is surely one of the best times to shop in a year, especially on the internet where you get to save yourself the stress of joining very long unending queues of shoppers who need the best discount of the year. There are many ways you can take good advantage of Black Friday deals, and there are many ways you can ruin the experience for yourself.

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Make a list of what you will need for the next three months

This will help you shop only for the things you need, and not just going to buy cheap stuff because they are cheap, and not because you need them.

Exclude those that can lose value in a month

You don't go to Black Friday shopping to stockpile tomatoes, potatoes and bananas. Those items are good for a week or so, but not for long term purposes. The kind of products you need for Black Friday are those that can last you almost a lifetime, or until they are used up. Examples are Mobile phones, tablets, television sets, home theatre systems, milk, flour etc.

Check the original prices of those items

Most people will shop because they think or believe that they need this, without realizing that they only need to take advantage of the cheapest deals on items they need. You don't have to buy stuff without great discount on this day. After all, it is Black Friday. Buy at normal price on a normal day.

Compile your profit from each item and check your bank account budget

You probably have less to spend and more to buy, so it is time to cut out those that are of less importance and less profitable to buy. For example, I would remove a tin of milk with 50% discount and go for a television with 40% discount if I have a tight budget. Here is why. I might save up to N10,000 from a television at 40% discount but just N200 from a tin of milk at 50% discount. It is clear what you need to take out from your list when you have taken note of what you stand to gain.

Now, take a look at many online stores that you trust

You may check out Konga, Jumia, Amazon, Aliexpress, DH Gate etc. There are many more reputable online stores too. Just take your time now that what you need is ready and your money is ready. Find who gets you the cheapest items.

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