GEJ Intervention Against Mutineers

President Goodluck Jonathan cannot intervene in the death sentence passed on the 12 convicted soldiers who were found guilty of mutiny by the Nigerian Army General Court Martial until the verdict is either confirmed by the Army Council in the military or by the Appeal Court and the Supreme Court, if the matter is brought before them.
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This was disclosed by a Presidency source who does not want his name in print, while reacting to the verdict passed by the tribunal presided by Brig-Gen Chukwuemeka Okonkwo.
“We are monitoring the situation but to answer your question is, it is too early for President Goodluck Jonathan to intervene in the matter. If you like, the President is the final arbiter over the matter, being the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces. Until the convicted soldiers have exaulted all the options left before them, the president would not come in.”
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