How Do I Become More Self Disciplined and Stop Procrastinating?
In this video we go over discipline and ending procrastination.
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STEP ONE: Decide Why. Decide on why you need to stop procrastinating. Why do you need self-discipline? If you’re not going after something big, being average and procrastinating will do just fine.
Most people QUIT. They quit because there’s no real why, and so will you unless there is a major reason why need to become self disciplined and stop procrastinating.
If it’s just to please other people you won’t stick with. It has to have great meaning to you.
STEP TWO: Daily Habits. What are your goals, what do you want in your life? According to this, what is something that you can do every single day to take you one step closer? Just one step per day will add up massively over time.
And guess what? It builds a ton of discipline, very quickly. Because you’re committed to doing this activity on a daily basis, and never let it slide.
STEP THREE: Tracking & Reminders. You have to set up the environment to support you – and it could be as simple as putting a tick inside a calendar!
If you have a problem with procrastinating by (for example) watching Netflix, the easiest thing you can do is to quit the membership until you’ve started building up some discipline. 30-days is a good rule of thumb for most of us.
Then, after you’ve managed to stay consistent for 30 days, you can give yourself back the Netflix as a reward, and now you’ll just be using it for enjoyment rather than procrastinating. If you start putting things off again simply rinse and repeat!
Most people QUIT. They quit because there’s no real why, and so will you unless there is a major reason why need to become self disciplined and stop procrastinating.
If it’s just to please other people you won’t stick with. It has to have great meaning to you.
STEP TWO: Daily Habits. What are your goals, what do you want in your life? According to this, what is something that you can do every single day to take you one step closer? Just one step per day will add up massively over time.
And guess what? It builds a ton of discipline, very quickly. Because you’re committed to doing this activity on a daily basis, and never let it slide.
STEP THREE: Tracking & Reminders. You have to set up the environment to support you – and it could be as simple as putting a tick inside a calendar!
If you have a problem with procrastinating by (for example) watching Netflix, the easiest thing you can do is to quit the membership until you’ve started building up some discipline. 30-days is a good rule of thumb for most of us.
Then, after you’ve managed to stay consistent for 30 days, you can give yourself back the Netflix as a reward, and now you’ll just be using it for enjoyment rather than procrastinating. If you start putting things off again simply rinse and repeat!
Video Posted 4 Months ago. You can post your own videos and it will be published for free.
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