My Father is a Native Doctor - MMM Participant Threatens The Life of Mavrodi

Updated Friday 20 January 2017 9:59
My Father is a Native Doctor - MMM Participant Threatens The Life of Mavrodi
MMM has frustruated many Nigerians, some are still hoping that the scheme will still ressurect while others have lost hope and accepted the fact that it has crashed, but there is an outstanding participant who is serious on the issue that she gives Mavrodi 2 weeks to pay her back.

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Nzu Treasure have been patient enough and now is no more waiting for miracle to happen rather she decides to handle the case by herself, saying fully that her father is a native doctor and that she will kill mavrodi if he dosen,t pay her in 2 weeks time. Investors in the scheme were shocked to see the  payment GH requests removed by the scheme and were forced to PH before you are able to GH again.

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