Hillary Clinton to take a swipe at Trump in new book

A yet untitled book by former presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton will be a collection of essays inspired by quotations she has used to get through a life blighted by battles with political opponents, the media and her husband’s high-profile sexual scandals. It will also include her thoughts on the 2016 election campaign and Trump himself, her publisher Simon & Schuster said.
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“These quotes have helped me celebrate the good times, laugh at the absurd times, persevere during the hard times and deepen my appreciation of all life has to offer,” Clinton said in a statement.
Though the book is not billed as a memoir, all eyes will be on what she shares about her unsuccessful campaign for the White House and the vituperative campaign waged against her: not just by Trump and his supporters, but also by Bernie Sanders, her Democrat rival.
According to sources at her publishing house;
“We are delighted that Secretary Clinton finally thinks the time is right to share the words and thoughts that nourished and enriched her, and defined the experiences of her extraordinary life,” Reidy said.
The book will appear concurrently with a picture-book version of the former US secretary of state’s 1996 bestseller, It Takes a Village.
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