Get The Best Out Of LENT - For Christians And Non-Christians

Easter is forthcoming, and that's the next biggest event every Christian is looking forward to. Not just Christians though! But there is no Easter without Passion - a reminder of how Jesus Christ suffered and died on the Cross.
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Several lessons are packed for us in this series of event, only if we could be humble and look carefully. LENT is a season of solemn meditation, pleasure deprivation and a time when bad habits are dropped. It is different from New Year Resolution in the sense that spiritual people call on the Divine to assist in this solemn promise to turn away from evil. Depriving yourself of habits that lead you nowhere would make your body system aware of the incoming Change.
Fasting and Prayers are very important in the life of every Christian, and LENT is undoubtedly the time to rebuild the spirit of praying which is made better through fasting. Fasting must not be with food. The betting addicts could decide to stop playing, and rather channel the money into alms.
Apart from the spiritual aspect, we could as well learn to adjust life mistakes by making solemn vows and trying to keep those vows during the 40 days. This would make sure that we have something to celebrate on the day of Easter, when Our Lord Jesus Christ would be remembered for resurrecting from death.
Write down your resolution today and get the best out of this LENT by the testimony you would give to yourself and the people around you on Easter day, as a result of one or two bad habits you might have dropped, or one or two good habits you must have mastered.
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