Simply Gabriel - Kele Ya (Thank Him)

"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Many times as humans, we tend to think about the things that didn’t go right for us, things
we’ve lost or even things that could have been better if only we had our plans all worked out
as intended, thereby losing sight of the numerous simple (tangible and intangible) but
beautiful things of life that we have been blessed to enjoy.
Something I am sometimes guilty of, just like the others...
But as a Christian I believe that the blessings of God are accessible to everyone and even
more so to those who believe and trust in him.
This is what inspired the song Kele ya.
It reminds us of God’s blessings upon those who trust him and encourages us to give him
thanks always no matter the circumstances.
I hope Kele ya ministers and inspires you into an outburst of praise and thanksgiving to the
Lord, the ultimate blesser and giver of all good things.
Kele ya!
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Many times as humans, we tend to think about the things that didn’t go right for us, things
we’ve lost or even things that could have been better if only we had our plans all worked out
as intended, thereby losing sight of the numerous simple (tangible and intangible) but
beautiful things of life that we have been blessed to enjoy.
Something I am sometimes guilty of, just like the others...
But as a Christian I believe that the blessings of God are accessible to everyone and even
more so to those who believe and trust in him.
This is what inspired the song Kele ya.
It reminds us of God’s blessings upon those who trust him and encourages us to give him
thanks always no matter the circumstances.
I hope Kele ya ministers and inspires you into an outburst of praise and thanksgiving to the
Lord, the ultimate blesser and giver of all good things.
Kele ya!
Connect With Simply Gabriel
Facebook : Officialsimplygabriel
Instagram : @Official_simplygabriel
Twitter : @Simplygabriel_
Website :
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