Usain Bolt Names His Newborn Daughter 'Olympia Lightning Bolt'
Record-breaking Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt, revealed photographs on social media late Tuesday of his new baby daughter, the aptly named Olympia Lightning Bolt.
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The eight-time Olympic gold medalist posted a series of images, complete with a lightning emoji, of his daughter, who was born in May, to celebrate his long-time girlfriend Kasi Bennett's birthday.

"I want to wish my gf a happy birthday," he wrote on his Instagram page. "Now we have started a new chapter together with our daughter Olympia Lightning Bolt I look forward to what the future will bring for us but be reassured that I will be the ROCK for this family."
Bolt, 33, made his name in the 2008 Beijing Olympics and went on to solidify his status at the London and Rio games. Known for his confident swagger on the track and often leaving a gaping berth between him and fellow athletes, as he passed the finish line with arms outstretched. He retired in 2017.
He still holds world records in the 100m and 200m events and confirmed his girlfriend Bennett was expecting a daughter in an Instagram video in March, but this is the first-time images and a name have been revealed.
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