Peller's Unexpected Response to Being Named in Prayer by Nathaniel Bassey

- Online users are sharing a video of TikTok star Peller's response after Nathaniel Bassey brought up his name during the Hallelujah Challenge.
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- Additionally, an ecstatic Peller reposted the video of the gospel singer praying during the Challenge, asserting that God was speaking to him.
- Netizens have responded to Peller's response to the video by expressing varying opinions on it.
Peller, also known as Hamzat Habeeb Adelaja, is a well-known TikTok star. He has expressed his joy at a video that shows his name being mentioned by pastor and gospel artist Nathaniel Bassey during the ongoing Hallelujah Challenge.
Peller, who was pleased to hear Nathaniel mention his name in the viral video, also posted the clip again to show his supporters and admirers.
"I get glory o, help me tell God say na me the Peller," he said in the video.
The TikTok star boasted about being a glorious child and said that God was referring to him. He celebrated Valentine's Day in South Africa with his love interest, Jarvis.
Nevertheless, seeing the footage revealed Nathaniel in a state of prayer. As he revealed prophetic words regarding a person who goes by the name, he first mentioned Tella and then Peller. In related news, since February 10, Nathaniel Bassey's Hallelujah Challenge has been popular on social media. This resulted in some Christians criticizing people who don't engage in the midnight prayer and worship challenge or knew the gospel singer.
Nevertheless, seeing the footage revealed Nathaniel in a state of prayer. As he revealed prophetic words regarding a person who goes by the name, he first mentioned Tella and then Peller. In related news, since February 10, Nathaniel Bassey's Hallelujah Challenge has been popular on social media. This resulted in some Christians criticizing people who don't engage in the midnight prayer and worship challenge or knew the gospel singer.
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