What Led to Ebuka Songs and Moses Bliss's Surprising Split?

Updated Thursday 6 March 2025 14:0
What Led to Ebuka Songs and Moses Bliss's Surprising Split?
Ebuka Songs, a Nigerian gospel musician, has finally disclosed why he left Moses Bliss' Spotlight Nation record label: he felt he wanted to concentrate on the ministry he was called to.

In contrast to the three-year contract he had signed with Moses Bliss' record label, the praise singer disclosed in an interview with Amanda Dara on The OpenUp Podcast that he left the firm after eleven months. He added that he departed on good terms and that he and Bliss were still on excellent terms.

Even after he had left Ghana, he felt that people misinterpreted his worship session as disparaging the record label, so he felt compelled to provide this information.

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"I met Minister Moses Bliss in Abuja prior to being signed to the label," he stated. I had the gift and the anointing, but I had no idea about copyright, royalties, or anything else. He helped me navigate the working world, and I am appreciative of the part he played in my life. After eleven months, I departed after God pushed me to pursue ministry independently.

Moses Bliss added that he and Ebuka Songs get along well and don't have any resentment.
"I don't have any problems with Ebuka Songs. After being signed to Spotlite Nation, he stated that he preferred to work independently. After giving it some thought, I chose to leave him alone. I don't harbor resentment toward him," Bliss declared.

However, God used Ebuka to turn the narrative around when he told an interesting story about his childhood and the hardships his family was going through at the time.

I Will Pray, Midnight Cry, New Generation, Fade Away, and Calling My Name are just a few of the popular gospel songs that the Calling My Name crooner has released.

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