China cracks down on fake goods, prosecutes 21,000 people

The Supreme People's Procuratorate said Friday that 21,404 people were prosecuted by Chinese procuratorial bodies in 2024 for producing and selling inferior and counterfeit goods.
Additionally, more than 7,700 people were arrested in connection with these crimes by procuratorial authorities around the country.
Six sample incidents involving the manufacture and distribution of shoddy and counterfeit items that have an immediate impact on people's lives were also made public by the SPP. Fake fire extinguishers, diesel, cosmetics, fertilizer, and medications were among the items in these incidents.
"Procuratorial organs will continue to crack down on counterfeit crimes," the SPP said.
It further stated that initiatives would concentrate on addressing problems including the selling of counterfeit items on live-streaming channels and internet platforms, as well as guaranteeing the safety of food and medications in rural and urban-rural areas.
Additionally, more than 7,700 people were arrested in connection with these crimes by procuratorial authorities around the country.
Six sample incidents involving the manufacture and distribution of shoddy and counterfeit items that have an immediate impact on people's lives were also made public by the SPP. Fake fire extinguishers, diesel, cosmetics, fertilizer, and medications were among the items in these incidents.
"Procuratorial organs will continue to crack down on counterfeit crimes," the SPP said.
It further stated that initiatives would concentrate on addressing problems including the selling of counterfeit items on live-streaming channels and internet platforms, as well as guaranteeing the safety of food and medications in rural and urban-rural areas.
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