China to send regenerative flatworms to space station for scientific study

Planaria, a novel life form with regenerative properties, will soon be brought to the Chinese space station for scientific tests after zebrafish and fruit flies were used in previous studies, China's CCTV said on Saturday.
The study suggests that human cells may be able to fight aging and extend longevity by studying the ancient flatworm genus Planaria, which is well-known for its capacity to regenerate.
The study suggests that human cells may be able to fight aging and extend longevity by studying the ancient flatworm genus Planaria, which is well-known for its capacity to regenerate.
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These flatworms have been around for more than 520 million years and are a common choice for biological research since they can regenerate whole heads or tails when cut. This makes them perfect candidates for experiments on tissue regeneration.
Fruit flies and zebrafish have been used as model organisms for in-orbit biology investigations aboard the space station before.
In order to do in-orbit studies, Shenzhou 18 sent four zebrafish and four grams of goldfish algae to the Chinese space station in April 2024. Zebrafish, which share over 70% of their genetic makeup with humans, can be used to explore the effects of microgravity on proteins found in vertebrate muscles and bones.
Fruit flies and zebrafish have been used as model organisms for in-orbit biology investigations aboard the space station before.
In order to do in-orbit studies, Shenzhou 18 sent four zebrafish and four grams of goldfish algae to the Chinese space station in April 2024. Zebrafish, which share over 70% of their genetic makeup with humans, can be used to explore the effects of microgravity on proteins found in vertebrate muscles and bones.
Fruit flies were introduced on board the Tianzhou-8 cargo spacecraft in November 2024. Researchers can learn more about the effects of space conditions on living things by examining their development, mobility, and biological rhythms in microgravity and sub-magnetic settings.
International Times
International Times
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