The Rise of Cyber Threats: Inside North Korea's New Hacking Force

According to reports, the Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB), North Korea's intelligence service, is hosting a new hacker collective.
Research Center 227, the new division, will concentrate on creating "offensive hacking technologies and programs."
The goal of this effort is to increase the regime's capacity to attack cybersecurity systems in the West, steal digital assets, and improve AI-based information theft methods.
Additionally, the center will react to intelligence from North Korean hacking groups abroad.
The recent $1.4 billion theft of Bybit is just one example of how North Korean hackers have garnered reputation for targeting cryptocurrency exchanges and businesses worldwide.
Research Center 227, the new division, will concentrate on creating "offensive hacking technologies and programs."
The goal of this effort is to increase the regime's capacity to attack cybersecurity systems in the West, steal digital assets, and improve AI-based information theft methods.
Additionally, the center will react to intelligence from North Korean hacking groups abroad.
The recent $1.4 billion theft of Bybit is just one example of how North Korean hackers have garnered reputation for targeting cryptocurrency exchanges and businesses worldwide.
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The U.S. National Security Agency and the FBI have previously accused the RGB of engaging in hacking and espionage activities, further highlighting the threat posed by North Korea’s cyber operations.
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