The French Jihadist Brothers, and another Jihadist dead alongside 4 hostages

Updated Saturday 10 January 2015 7:27
The French Jihadist Brothers, and another Jihadist dead alongside 4 hostages
The French Jihadist Brothers, and another Jihadist dead alongside 4 hostages in a bloody stand-off between the terrorists and French Police.  

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Brothers Cherif (inset top left) and Said Kouachi (inset bottom left), who attacked & killed 12 people at Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday Jan. 7th have been killed by French police in a bloody standoff.

A third guy, Amedy Coulibaly (inset right), who was working with the brothers and killed a female police officer, was also killed by French police. Amedy is reported to have killed four people at the kosher grocery store (right) where he had been hiding with his girlfriend who was not caught.

A huge ball of fire erupts amid gunfire and explosions as French special forces shoot dead the two Charlie Hebdo gunmen
A man carrying a small child is seen fleeing from the ordeal moments after police stormed the kosher grocery store in eastern Paris

The man is pictured in a second shot, carrying a small child in his arms while the kosher grocery remains illuminated behind him

Explosions were seen at a second hostage siege in Paris where an accomplice was threatening to kill captives if police stormed the Kouachis

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