So When is Cheryl's birthday? Here is an explanation

Updated Monday 17 February 2025 3:20
So When is Cheryl's birthday? Here is an explanation
So When is Cheryl's birthday? This is the most viral question this week and many could easily think it has no answer after looking at the question. But New york Times got it right by this explanation of logical thinking... and for the record, this question is meant for Singapore primary school kids. 

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Albert and Bernard just met Cheryl. “When’s your birthday?” Albert asked Cheryl.

Cheryl thought a second and said, “I’m not going to tell you, but I’ll give you some clues.” She wrote down a list of 10 dates:

May 15 — May 16 — May 19

June 17 — June 18

July 14 — July 16

August 14 — August 15 — August 17

“My birthday is one of these,” she said.

Then Cheryl whispered in Albert’s ear the month — and only the month — of her birthday. To Bernard, she whispered the day, and only the day. 

“Can you figure it out now?” she asked Albert.

Albert: I don’t know when your birthday is, but I know Bernard doesn’t know, either.

Bernard: I didn’t know originally, but now I do.

Albert: Well, now I know, too!

When is Cheryl’s birthday?


The answer is July 16.

Here is how, Albert knows the day and Benard the month. If Albert was told either 19 or 18 which appeared once, then he knows the exact date and month. But since he was not certain of the date and month by his first statement so we eliminate the months with 19 and 18, leaving only July and August.

Now, if the month is July or August, it cannot be 14 since it appears twices so we eliminate those, leaving behind just three dates.

It cannot also be August since August still has 2 dates left without anymore clue, but July has only 16 left. The date is definitely July 16.

The time taken for you to read this logical elimination method is the time taken for Albert and Bernard to say:

Bernard: I didn’t know originally, but now I do.

Albert: Well, now I know, too!

For the fact that Albert who was told the date didn't know, we already have the first part settled from the statement: Albert: I don’t know when your birthday is, but I know Bernard doesn’t know, either.

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