Nigerians reaction to Buhari's reference to Germany as "West Germany" and their Chancellor as "President Michelle"

shocking Blunder. President Buhari, during a press review yesterday referred to Germany as "West Germany" and called their Chancellor Angela Merkel, "President Michelle" He said:
"I was personally invited by G7. I went there and I was asked to brief the G7 and I was impressed with the tremendous sympathy they have for this sub-region, the Lake Chad Basin Commission. Their humanitarian approach to the issue to say the least is very very impressive and all of them, not only in Europe; from President Obama to the Chairman of G7 President Michelle of West Germany and french President. They are all willing to help us"
"I was personally invited by G7. I went there and I was asked to brief the G7 and I was impressed with the tremendous sympathy they have for this sub-region, the Lake Chad Basin Commission. Their humanitarian approach to the issue to say the least is very very impressive and all of them, not only in Europe; from President Obama to the Chairman of G7 President Michelle of West Germany and french President. They are all willing to help us"
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Now check out Nigerians reaction:

Wow! Nigerians get mouth sha!!
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