Woman shares wonderful pre-wedding photos with a child that passed away

Updated Wednesday 16 December 2015 16:0
Woman shares wonderful pre-wedding photos with a child that passed away
This woman named Amanda, friend to photographer Ashley Frantz, shared a pre-wedding photo that featured a girl who looked partly transparent. This raised some eyebrows, but here is an explanation. The girl passed away in 2013, and the love has not died out. On the right is a transparent image of her daughter, Azalee, in her arms.

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Azalee is transparent because she passed away in 2013, following a battle with cancer. She was just 6 years old when she passed on.
Amanda was heartbroken that her little girl wouldn’t be there for the special occasion, so Ashley did something incredible. She managed to incorporate a photo of little Azalee into some of the wedding pictures for her friend.


Frantz wrote that the couple released butterflies during the ceremony in remembrance of little Azalee, and there was “not a dry eye to be seen.”
She said: “As the butterflies flew up and away, one little beauty decided she wanted to stay a while. She landed right on Amanda (closest to her heart) and stayed while a heart-wrenching cry was shared between the bride and groom (and the entire congregation).

“We all know it was Azalee, just a little whisper from her and God saying ‘congratulations’ and letting everyone know she was nearby to help her mommy cross over into her new path of life…where there is nothing but sunshine ahead!!


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