Pic: Newborn baby found in toilet pipe after student gives birth and runs

A young student in a university in China, who hid her pregnancy throughout, gave birth to a baby girl inside a toilet pipe, hoping the baby would flush down the pipe. Fortunately the pipe wasn't wide enough to take the baby down and so her body became wedged a short way down the pipe. The baby immediately started crying and the new mum fled. Fortunately, the baby's cries was loud enough to attract the attention of other students who immediately raised an alarm.
Firemen were called to the student dormitory in the city of Linyi in China's Shandong Province, and they immediately went to work to free the new born
Firemen were called to the student dormitory in the city of Linyi in China's Shandong Province, and they immediately went to work to free the new born
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But firemen couldn't free the child from above (pictured during the rescue mission). Fire Brigade spokesman Tao Fang told a local newspaper
"It was impossible to get the baby out from above. She had fallen into the toilet and gone down the pipes were she had got stuck between the third and fourth floors. We used an angle grinder to break open the pipeline on the third floor and we could then push the child up to colleagues on the fourth floor where she was handed to medics who were waiting to take her to hospital."
The police tracked down the child's mother who was a student living in the hotel and they took her to the hospita; and who was also taken to hospital. Police say they are waiting to question her before deciding what she might be charged with.
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