How To Live a Meaningful and Fulfilling Life?

Updated Wednesday 18 September 2024 13:20
The most successful individuals in the world know something that most people don’t:Fulfilment and meaning is self-defined.

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When you let society dictate and narrate the story of your life, you become stuck and end up feeling like your life doesn’t have a real meaning. You become unhappy.

1. KNOW THYSELF. Some of us study celebrity gossip and know more about other people than we do about ourselves. We get so caught up in what’s going on around us that we forget to take a look at what is going on within.

Take a look within! What are your strengths, what are your weaknesses? 
It makes it much easier to live up to your potential, and that’s imperative for being fulfilled.

2. WHAT’S YOUR PASSION? What is it that you love to do..? Because living your dream, doing what you feel is your “calling” is going to give you a very deep sense of fulfilment, and it will give your life meaning as well as depth.

Reaching a level of mastery in what you love to do is usually a much more pleasant experience than working away at something you don’t truly love.

3. LEGACY. What are you going to be remembered for? Leave a mark on the world, don’t just live in its confident boundaries that have been set up by people no smarter than yourself.

Will you be loved by one generation, remember for two, and then forgotten? If so, you can still find fulfilment in other ways. But if you have a greater purpose, your life will have a deeper sense of meaning.

4. CONNECTION. If you grow the relationships you already have with people you love, or create new ones, you will experience joy and bliss beyond measure. This should be done even if you’re chasing a higher purpose.

5. STANDARDS. When what you think, what you say and what you do all align; magic happens.

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