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Change Begins With Me - President Buhari points out a new dimension to change

Updated Friday 9 September 2016 9:10
Change Begins With Me - President Buhari points out a new dimension to change
As trended on all over the internet yesterday, #ChangeBeginsWithMe, the President assures Nigerians that they should not look to him alone to effect the much needed change in the country, rather every one should let the change start with him/her.
"I am therefore appealing to all Nigerians to be part of this campaign. Our citizens must realise that the change they want to see begins with them, and that personal and social reforms are not theoretic exercise. 
If you have not seen the change in you, you cannot see it in others or even the larger society. In other words, before you ask ‘where is the change they promised us’, you must first ask how far have I changed my ways, ‘what have I done to be part of the change for the greater good of society? Nigeria today is passing through a challenging moment where hardly anything works in a normal manner. Many have attributed this phenomenon to the total breakdown of our core values over the years. It is safe to say today that honesty, hard work, Godliness have given way to all kinds of manifestations of lawlessness and degeneration in our national life. This is why we have among our cardinal objectives ‘change’, which implies the need for a change of attitude and mindset in our everyday life.”

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Entertainment was also featured in the event. Dare Art Alade was one of the performers.

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