UPDATE: Letter Bomb Explodes At IMF Headquarters
IMF Explodes
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Anti-terror police and bomb disposal experts has been rushed to the scene after an envelope sent to the building exploded and slightly injured one person.

Today’s attack comes after Greek radicals this week claimed responsibility for a parcel bomb that was sent to Germany’s financial minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble.
The padded envelope had Italian postage stamps, but police were able to diffuse it.
The IMF is currently headed Christine Lagarde, a former finance minister in France, who is based in the USA.

Referring to today’s incident, an emergency services source in Paris said: “Officers are attending the incident at the IMF building in Avenue Iena. There is not thought to be any structural damage to the building.”
A source said the device “exploded in the face of a member of the IMF’s clerical staff”.
Michel Cadot, the head of Paris police, said “three people were present” when the explosion happened “just before midday”.
He said the device “was not a bomb”, but a “big firecracker” that had been turned into a homemade booby trap.

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