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The Biggest Mistake Guys Make in Caring For Their Shoes

Updated Friday 1 September 2023 13:20
The Biggest Mistake Guys Make in Caring For Their Shoes
Shoes are the foundation of menswear. When someone sweeps you with their eyes, it starts at the face, goes down to the shoes, then back to the face. A man’s dress shoes are the rock upon which the frame (outfit) is built, leading to the picture, the face. Well-cared for shoes can reasonably last ten, twenty, or even forty years. Assuming you’ve picked the proper dress shoe and are going to wear it within respectable society’s guidelines, the man’s dress shoes must be cared for properly.

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Every so often, give your favorite pair of shoes the day off. This allows them to air out, which dries out the moisture so the leather lasts longer.

For shoes you wear less frequently, you can use a cedar shoetree to help absorb moisture and maintain their shape.

Always allow your shoes to dry at room temperature, away from direct sunlight. Heaters can cause leather to dry out and become brittle, and can also harm the adhesive.

Don’t store your shoes in shoe boxes for long periods of time. Prolonged storage can cause certain footwear materials to deteriorate, particularly in humid climates.

When applying any chemical to a product you own, it is always best to do pre-test in an inconspicuous area before applying to the entire surface area.

To remove dirt, wipe gently with a dry cloth to remove any dried-on dirt and dust. Then dampen the cloth with warm water and wipe again. Allow leather to dry naturally, away from direct sunlight and direct heat sources (like heat vents) that can dry out the leather.

Avoid liquid shoe polishes and silicone sprays.

Use a high quality cream polish that matches the shoe color, then buff to a shine


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